Sauna is the word that comes from Finland, which is more or less means a house or a small room made of wood, which is designed as a place to get wet or dry heat for the body, which functions as the body's relaxation. Basically, the sauna can be divided into 2 types. That is, the Spa Cuisine (using pure steam heat), and Far Infrared Sauna (using heating materials such as ceramics, charcoal, hot sun energy, active carbon fiber, and other materials). In terms of technology, sauna can also be divided into several types. That is, the Smoke Sauna, Heat Storage Sauna, Continuous Fire Sauna and Infrared Sauna.
In practice, the steam room can be done individually or together. Usually, this depends on the selected service or the user requests the sauna room is. Does he want to share with other people, or want to use your own privacy. Health and Beauty Source sweat out while in the sauna is not without benefits. Pore-pore and draw out the heat that will beautify the skin. Because, when you remove the body heat, toxin in the body so that took out the skin look brighter. Meanwhile, heat the sauna room temperature is usually around 60 ° C to 105 ° C, will cause the blood vessel and through increased blood pressure. Skin will be healthy and look bright. In addition, the sauna also helps to reduce pimple. Steam heat soft pustule at the same time accelerate the healing process.
Some of the benefits of the sauna for the health body. "There are some, including sauna increases heart tap between 50 to 75 percent within 20 minutes. Similarly, the body metabolism. With sauna, body metabolism will increase to 20 percent. This causes the body to burn more calories up to three hours afterwards. Even if you are silent on the sauna for some time, can make the body burn calories to 300 calories. In addition sauna also make the body musculature relax, so will be able to release the muscle toxin causes feeling weary after a day full activity's. The blood flow faster, help the muscles repair the network so you can return after exercise. The process of heating temperature of the body with sauna is also useful to kill bacteria and viruses in the body, and increase the body's ability to remove poisons. Because the sauna can increase the body's immunity system. Not only physical health, healthful sauna are also mental. Usually after sauna, you will feel relaxed and relax. Sense of fear, stress and excess can decrease with sauna. Also thought to be more quiet.