- Power-600W.
- Woven thick and dull water.
- 3 panel heaters (1 and 2 dikiri behind and right)
- Remote control is provided.
- Namely the temperature has a 6 stage (40,45,50,55,60 & 65)
You may setkan temperature you want.
Saunas Saiz P x L x H = 80cm x 70cm x 95cm
Infrared Sauna Pros:
Study finds biological infrared waves between 15 um 5.6um-therapy may provide the best benefits to the human body.
Benefits Far Infrared Saunas light:
Produces infrared heat that causes blood vessels dilated, increasing the temperature of the skin, improve circulation and reduce the pressure of the heart. The human body consists of 70% water and 80% of blood is water. Infrared Saunas rays having the same vibration of water molecules. These molecules will break out into a single molecule that increases the flow of body fluids, thus increasing oxygen in the blood.
- Subtracting the joint pain, nerve.
- Mencantikkan skin.
- Reduce cellulite
- Reduce stress.
- Subtracting the sinus problems, resdung and migraine.
- Increase the body immunization system. Recovering selsema and fever.
- Increase your metabolism (burn 600 calories in 30 minutes). When streaming micro increased, toxins can be removed from the body through metabolism. This will also reduce the burden of liver and kidney.
- Balancing the pH in the body.
- Acting as antioksida .. Get rid of toxic body through perspiration.
- Anti aging.