A Few Insights on this “Experimenal Breast Cancer Vaccine” News Clip from last Thursday’s CBS News. The News Clip talked of a Vaccine for Breast Cancer, they spoke of this being a new “experimental” therapy to cure or at least prolong the survival rate of Breast Cancer. This sounds to me like “Dendritic Cell Therapy” which has been around for awhile, though main stream medicine has “harassed” those using this Cure successful for over a decade.
Those attempting to cure you naturally or using innovative means have long been kept down and shut up by the Medical Cartel, why ? Apparantly it has never been about you being healthy but instead about controlling you - keeping you down and making plenty of money in the mean time.
One wonders how money could possibly be worth your life, I mean it is only paper Really, however, beyond the piece paper, being in control of your life and your decisions seems to be very important to them. I want you to know more and to be able to make informed decisions on your own.
These courageous doctors have been making peoples lives better by healing their “total body”, stimulating their own immune system to not only cure their cancer but also heal many other ailments and health issues that they have. They do this by Using your Own Immune system to target the cancerous cells in your body. This can be done to target a specific tumor or a cancer, and can even be done in order to stimulate your immune system to Fix, Go After all that ails you, your body will simply know what to do.
These courageous doctors have been making peoples lives better by healing their “total body”, stimulating their own immune system to not only cure their cancer but also heal many other ailments and health issues that they have. They do this by Using your Own Immune system to target the cancerous cells in your body. This can be done to target a specific tumor or a cancer, and can even be done in order to stimulate your immune system to Fix, Go After all that ails you, your body will simply know what to do.
One Doctor I know of that does this type of therapy by Creating a Vaccine from your own cells, has been doing it successfully for10 years. The CBS report acts like it is new, it is NOT New. It has just been kept secret by the medical establishment. They keep secrets by the FDA and their thug like authority to "Jail People" who have and give the answers for your to be well.
Dendritic Cell Therapy, which uses a Vaccine to Heal Cancer and to stimulate your own cells to actually fight the bad guys, is a viable treatment option that really has been in use for quite awhile. So why is Main Stream Media now open to talking about this Vaccine?
From my Understand Dendritic Cell Therapy uses your own cells to formulate a vaccine to heal your cancer. This therapy is supposedly based on the principle of taking the cells from your body re-training these cells and re-entering the cells into your body
The Dendritic Cell therapy can be used to target a cancerous tumor by using cells of that tumor to be taken from your body and the Cells will then be “trained” to fight cancerous cells, all based on your own body, your unique chemical makeup.
For More Information On Dendritic Cell Therapy Click Here.
Main Stream Medical is testing this option and talking about it on the news as if it is Some Great New Breast Cancer Vaccine and Preventative, you will hear more about it, so be Cautious and NEVER accept One Source as your Answer. We will talk in later posts on how to know if the information you are finding about Natural Breast Cancer cures is right for you and if it has any truth to it. There is a whole lot of conflicting information online.
Remember For Every website talking about natural cancer cures there is information deliberately put on websites in order to make you think that the cure does not work or can harm you, more on that later.
If Main Stream Medical gets a hold of this Therapy and accepts this as a Viable Cancer though it has been in use a minimum of 10 years and has already been working my fear is that this “cure” will be controlled, changed, not work as well and will cost a whole lot more.
Dendritic Cell Therapy, which uses a Vaccine to Heal Cancer and to stimulate your own cells to actually fight the bad guys, is a viable treatment option that really has been in use for quite awhile. So why is Main Stream Media now open to talking about this Vaccine?
From my Understand Dendritic Cell Therapy uses your own cells to formulate a vaccine to heal your cancer. This therapy is supposedly based on the principle of taking the cells from your body re-training these cells and re-entering the cells into your body
The Dendritic Cell therapy can be used to target a cancerous tumor by using cells of that tumor to be taken from your body and the Cells will then be “trained” to fight cancerous cells, all based on your own body, your unique chemical makeup.
For More Information On Dendritic Cell Therapy Click Here.
Main Stream Medical is testing this option and talking about it on the news as if it is Some Great New Breast Cancer Vaccine and Preventative, you will hear more about it, so be Cautious and NEVER accept One Source as your Answer. We will talk in later posts on how to know if the information you are finding about Natural Breast Cancer cures is right for you and if it has any truth to it. There is a whole lot of conflicting information online.
Remember For Every website talking about natural cancer cures there is information deliberately put on websites in order to make you think that the cure does not work or can harm you, more on that later.
If Main Stream Medical gets a hold of this Therapy and accepts this as a Viable Cancer though it has been in use a minimum of 10 years and has already been working my fear is that this “cure” will be controlled, changed, not work as well and will cost a whole lot more.
However, with this your medical insurance may then pay for it, while now the medical insurance companies seem to only want you to do what your doctor says or they won’t pay. This way everyone gets paid in the system of getting you healthy. Whether their solution works or not is irrelevant, your pain level and health level is irrelevant. It is all about the numbers, the money, and your Real Health, gets lost in everyone else’s needs and agendas.
Why won't medical insurance Pay for PROVEN natural cures that are easier on your body and easier on your life? It is because Big Business supports Big Business, your Cancer pays a whole lot of wages, and they can charge VERY high prices if a Big insurance company is paying the bills, they are all interwined and your life is paying the Price.
The Message of this Post is though the Main Stream media seems to be talking about a Breast Cancer Vaccine, be cautious there is more then meets the eye. If they are now open to making this information public after all these years, then they must be in a position to Control the Information, Control the Vaccine and how it is administered
They talk about this vaccine maybe being a preventative. I believe this to be true in the aspect of using “Dendritic Cell Therapy” in order to boost your immune system and keep it strong enough to fight off cancer in the first place.
The Message of this Post is though the Main Stream media seems to be talking about a Breast Cancer Vaccine, be cautious there is more then meets the eye. If they are now open to making this information public after all these years, then they must be in a position to Control the Information, Control the Vaccine and how it is administered
They talk about this vaccine maybe being a preventative. I believe this to be true in the aspect of using “Dendritic Cell Therapy” in order to boost your immune system and keep it strong enough to fight off cancer in the first place.
However, if it is specifically targeted you would have to have the breast cancer, the health issue before your cells can be used to make a Vaccine just for you. If you are healthy and you make the vaccine, it is my understand that this would not necessarily work as a preventative.
I am not a Doctor, nor am I attempting to provide medical advice, I am an Alternative Medicine Researcher and I am passionate about your health.
Who will provide this “New” vaccine that has found it’s way into the Main Stream Media, no doubt a Big Pharma Company will be in charge of this. And will they will make Billions, for it works. Prescription drugs, in part are based on herbal remedies but because herbs cannot be “patented” they create their own drugs that they can patent.
I mean the Native Americans cured themself of Cancer, Societies LONG before us cured themselves of all kinds of human health issues. The ground Naturally grows what humans need to be well and yet some dark force uses those herbs mixed with man made filler and patents this cure to then sell it to you.
And these drugs just keep coming. Some have no reall cure in them, they are placebos and others are just to cause more problems so you buy more prescriptions. All based on Profits for Big Pharma Companies. The recent news had a special on the FACT that doctors Give YOU a placebo 50% of the time, so you are Tricked into thinking that they are making you better. The Power of Your Own Thoughts Heals you and they take the Credit and the Paycheck from giving you NOTHING...
These Companies are publicly traded and their whole purpose is making money. This kind of money is based on volume and is not about your health, it is not about your long term wellness or your comfort level with the whole process. Your Body, your life, and your quality of life is just a numbers game to them.
I want you to Be in Charged or Your Own Health, To make your own decisions.
Here is a Link to the Breast Cancer Vaccine Article, Click Here.
Who is In Charge of Your Breast Cancer Cure ?
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